Me and three other friends are walking on a small hill towards the cornfield as escaping to the class. We saw a man on a small tree facing away. We panic and slowly turn away but a woman is coming on our way but didn't see us so we run to the fence and i jumped and stepped on the fence and i asked my friends to push me then we climb on a screen
This dream may represent feelings of fear, anxiety, and the need to escape from a challenging situation in your waking life. The image of walking towards a cornfield with your friends could symbolize a journey or path you are all taking together. The man on the small tree facing away may represent an obstacle or something you are trying to avoid. The woman coming your way might symbolize a threat or challenge that you are trying to evade.
Jumping and stepping on the fence could indicate your desire to overcome obstacles and face challenges head-on. Asking your friends to push you may suggest that you are seeking support and encouragement from those around you in order to overcome difficulties. Climbing on a screen at the end of the dream could symbolize finding a way to protect yourself or create a barrier between you and a perceived threat.
Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious feelings of needing to navigate difficult situations with the help of friends and the importance of finding ways to protect yourself from potential harm or challenges. It may be a reminder to seek support and face your fears in order to overcome obstacles in your waking life.